1) Design internal and external
2) planning and redistribution of internal and external areas
3) Future expansion plans
4) Pre-planning consultancy
5) Modeling existing structures
6) Developing design ideas
1) Structural analysis for existing structures (concrete and old building styles)
2) Multi-story building
3) Wells and tanks.
4) Steel structure design
5) Design of structural extensions and amendments
6) Structural and operational mapping
Electrical Engineering
1) Design of lighting systems and electrical load studies
2) Low voltage systems
3) Design of electrical circuits
4) Design of solar/ renewable energy systems
Environmental Engineering
1) Design of water and sewer networks
2) Environmental risk assessment
3) Design of waste management systems
4) Life Cycle Assessment
5) Lean Management solutions
Contractual Consultation
1) Study of tenders according to general purchase laws
2) Invitation to bid studies
3) Tender/Bid assessment
4) Tenders approvals
Heritage Buildings Preservation
1) Heritage building structural appraisal.
2) Historical towns documentation.
3) Historical buildings documentation, including frontage photography, classification, site mapping, and existing condition analysis.
4) Documents for the maintenance and restoration of historic buildings:
*Plans to raise the existing site.
*Structural evaluation of the building.
*Engineering plans for complete restoration interventions, including architectural, structural, electrical, and mechanical maps, in addition to a work description table, estimated quantities, and estimated prices as per market price.
5) Supervision of restoration and maintenance of historic buildings.
Engineering supervision and project management
1) Partial and complete engineering supervision.
2) Cost estimation.
3) Time plans.
4) Implementational plans.
5) Worksite management.