Our Collective Duty – Farkha was founded in 2022 by a Building Engineer and an architect and the mayor of Farkha with the mission of saving one of the only still original remaining villages in Palestine: Farkha. In cooperation with the municipality of Farkha and Al Bad Cultural Center under the umbrella of Engineering Commune, we are now a collective of more of a dozen volunteers, willing to revitalise this ancient village. We are architects, engineers, social workers, artists, and documenters, but we are even more than this: We are all fighters for the Palestine’s cultural and architectural heritage.

The project is a non-governmental, non-cooperative, grassroots, volunteer project. It is independent from any political or financial group. This gives us the liberty to plan the village with the best interest for its inhabitants in mind. But we are depended: From people like you. Become a volunteer and help us bringing our vision to life. It’s not important what your profession is, as long as you are passioned about cultural heritage and nature.Click below to take a virtual tour in a traditional Palestinian heritage house.